Reindeer Needle Felting E-Textile Kit.
This brand new needle felting kit also has a e-textile kit. This will let you make your very own needle felted reindeer. Then using this kit light up his nose using the e-textile kit. Everything is explained clearly in the instructions but if you need help please free to contact us. Instructions can also be downloaded from this website.
Individual kit Contents
- Battery holder with switch
- CR2032 coin cell Battery
- 1 flashing red LED light
- Conductive Thread
- Brown felt
- Brown, Red, black and white felting wool
- 2 felting needles size 38 triangular
- Hessian
- Christmas Ribbon
- Needle and embroidery thread
- Felting mat
- Assembly instructions and template
You will also need:
• Long Pointed Nose Pliers
• Scissors
To see the kit completed please view this Needle felted E textile reindeer
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