Teachers resources KS3


Resources for design and technology.

We have resources to help you complete your e-textile projects, PDF downloads, videos and education projects for Key Stage 2 and 3.  

Key stage 2  – we have our robot projects these include the Bristle Bots which are tiny robots made from toothbrushes once a motor and battery are added they start to move.  There are other ideas from designing your robot to watching them race.  There is also an activity for a scribble bot.

Key stage 3 – there is our Dancing Toy Project that uses muscle wire, how to step by step e-textile projects including e-textile bracelet, e-textile monster and e-textile key ring.  There are also resources for the teacher including lesson planning and activities.  All these are free to download and use.

You will also find a selection of resources for needle felting projects including our camper van with LED’s

If you require any help or would like to share your finished projects or have any suggestions we would love to hear from you. Please email sales@lightstitches.co.uk

Teachers resources KS3
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