British Science Week 2024 takes place this year between 8th – 17th March. This year the event celebrates its 30 year anniversary.
British Science Week is actually a ten-day celebration of the innovation that led the United Kingdom to excel in science and technology. It’s organised by the British Science Association, a charity founded back in 1831 to push the importance of science at the heart of culture and society, whose mission is to support, grow and diversify the community of people interested and involved in science.
The theme this year is TIME. Having personally visited the Royal Observatory at Greenwich such an amazing place all about time and our history. You can download more activities here as well.

The British Science week website has lots of activities you can use activities for early years, primary and secondary children.
Some of the activities included are:-
Make a roller coaster faster
Poster competition
Plant growth and nutrients
Sustainable transport futures
History of the universe
How much rain?
With e-textiles why not make a watch dial – a similar idea to our heart bracelet and then create a circuit . We have lots of ideas for projects in our resources section. Free to download and use in your school or organisation.
We are offering 15% for all schools and organisation for orders over £100 from 22st February – 20th March with the code SCIENCE15