What is a Motion Board or Vibrating motor ?

Vibrating motor 10 pieces
Motion board

A motion board is a tiny vibrating motor.  This motor can be attached to paper or fabric easily using conductive thread or conductive tape.  Add a CR2032 battery to your project and this creates vibrations and movement. 

There are endless possibilities to use pager/vibrating motors in our Light Stitches Bristle/ Eco Bot kits uses these motors. A bristle bot is a simple walking robot with a rigid body.  A simple firm bristle toothbrush makes the bristle bot move quickly. It is easy to assemble and lots of fun just watch them move.

Teknikio projects that use these are the Origami penguin and Shivers the penguin.  

Brown Dog Gadgets uses a type of motion board a pager/vibrating motor in their Origami Paper Crafts project. The origami robot uses both a motion board and a LED light as well as movement the project lights up as well.  

Bristle bots


Teknikio shivers the penguin
Shivers the penguin

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