Cat Needle felting kit – great for beginners


These kits have absolutely everything that a beginner needlefelter will need to make two sweet little cats in either ginger and grey or soft brown and white

Cat needle felting kit. Black Dog and Ginger Cat needle felting kits have everything you need to start needle felting. There is a ladder of learning with kits for a nervous beginner to the more experienced needlefelter. This is a stage 1 beginners kit. This Black Dog and Ginger Cat  needle felting  kit has everything you need to start needle felting.

These kits have absolutely everything that a beginner needlefelter will need to make two sweet little cats in either ginger and grey or soft brown and white……or to be honest, any colour combination you fancy – just let me know.

There’s needle felting tools, wonderful British wool, sponge, threaded needle, beads for eyes and full instructions with diagrams.

I challenge anyone not to fall in love with needle felting and wool – the only things you’ll need to worry about is what colour to choose for your kitty and whether to keep it……or give them away!


Enjoy x




Cat Kit

Ginger Grey cats, White Brown cats


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